To create a system of specialised shows purely for this theatre space and to create merchandise.
This was done as part of my graduation project.

Blind folded
Blindfolded is an idea for a specialised show that will be created in Casino Cinemas were people directly come to the theatre without knowing what movie they are going to watch.
For this idea, a set of eleven shows/themes were decided. Once a week each of these shows will be screened at a particular time, people will get to know what the show’s theme is based on during that particular week of schedule.
They just buy tickets for that show and come without knowing what movie is getting screened. It creates a sense of curiosity, a lot of thinking and guessing of movies, surprise, shock element and a lot of other emotions too.
This idea also helps in bringing old movies back to the theatre and screening it for a new set of audiences. I designed a series of posters for all the planned shows/themes.

Few digitised symbols for the poster


Postcards: A series of postcards were made with the illustrations representing the lifestyle that is seen around the surrounding area of Casino Cinemas. These are one of the few elements that have contributed to the fame of the cinema hall in their own ways.
Collectable cards: A series of collectable cards were made with the illustrations representing the iconic faces of the Tamil cinema industry who came into the art form during the beginning days of the theatre.


Collectable cards